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Does Sam Have A Companion Quest. How to get sam as a companion in the outer worlds is part of the one for all trophy / achievement. Sam in the outer worlds is a companion that can follow you around on your journey with quests and objectives of their own.

The Outer Worlds How To Get All Companions And Complete Their Quests
The Outer Worlds How To Get All Companions And Complete Their Quests from pyre-media-2.s3.sa-east-1.amazonaws.com
This guide cover's raul's (unmarked!) quest. The acid will do corrosive damage over time. New vegas has a quest associated with him/her.

Joining the companions' guild puts you in direct contact with several we have a wealth of other guides on this expansive game here at usgamer, all of which can be found within our skyrim tips and tricks guides hub.

You don't have to do a quest to recruit felix. Learn about sam's perks, ability, how to recruit them, how to unlock their companion quest, and more. The acid will do corrosive damage over time. However i'm not seeing any other quests from the companions.

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