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Traveling Companion Of Sam Gamgee. Unlike his three companions, sam was not a gentlehobbit. Sam inherited his job from his father hamfast.

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Sam proved himself to be frodo's closest and most dependable companion, the most loyal of the fellowship of the ring, and played a critical role in protecting frodo and destroying the. Sam was frodo's gardener and it is implied that frodo was also his landlord. Gimli (son of glóin)/legolas greenleaf (161).

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Tolkien's fantasy epic novel, the lord of the rings, and in peter jackson's film trilogy. Samwise gamgee, usually called sam, is found in bilbo's room, at the southern side at the ground floor of the last homely house in rivendell valley. A hobbit, samwise is the chief supporting character of the lord of the rings. In his great work, the hero with a thousand faces , joseph campbell describes the elements common.

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